Skin & Soft tissue (Sarcoma) Malignancies

Skin & Soft Tissue Sarcoma Malignancies refer to a group of rare cancers that affect the skin, fat, muscles, nerves, and other soft tissues of the body. Sarcoma is a type of cancer that develops in the body's connective tissues, which includes bones, cartilage, and muscles. Soft tissue sarcomas can occur anywhere in the body, but they most commonly develop in the arms, legs, and torso.

At Dr. Subhash Center for Plastic Surgery in Kakinada, we specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of skin and soft tissue sarcoma malignancies. Our team of skilled surgeons and oncologists work together to provide personalized care and treatment options for patients with sarcoma.

Symptoms of Skin & Soft Tissue Sarcoma Malignancies

    The symptoms of skin and soft tissue sarcoma malignancies can vary depending on the location and size of the tumor. Some common signs and symptoms of sarcoma include:
  • A lump or swelling that grows over time

  • Pain or tenderness in the affected area

  • Limited range of motion in the affected area

  • Fatigue or unexplained weight loss

At Dr. Subhash Center for Plastic Surgery, we are committed to providing the highest quality of care to patients undergoing replantation surgery. We offer ongoing support and care throughout the treatment process, including follow-up visits, counseling services, and support groups.

If you or a loved one has experienced a traumatic amputation and may benefit from replantation surgery, contact Dr. Subhash Center for Plastic Surgery in Kakinada to schedule a consultation with our experienced plastic surgeons and medical professionals. We are here to help you restore your function and appearance.